[s-cars] Autocheck after relaying headlights

Steve Powers sbpowers at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 13:43:39 EST 2005

Sean -

> The LCM is located in the relay box under the hood (0042.jpg) by the
> driver's firewall. It's the double relay marked 387. Remove this relay
> and what you need to do is pull up on the mount to get access to the
> wires below. Removing a couple of other relays around it will help.
> Locate 4 wires, which are marked on the holder, 56br1 (yellow), 56bl1
> (yellow/black), 58br (yellow/brown), 58bl (yellow/green). Cut the wires
> as close to the connector to give you some slack. Use an insulated butt
> connector and connect 56br1 to 58br and 56bl1 to 58bl. Its tight to get
> your tools in here, but doable. You have now bypassed the LCM for the
> low beam (xenon) and the bulb out will not come on - ever. See wiring
> diagram (LCM_modified2.jpg).

is there some reason one cannot simply make a couple of jumpers? from
what you've described, you have removed a relay.

unless you must replace it, you now have access to the terminals and
could simply make two jumpers connecting the wires. for a really
elegant solution, cannibalize the relay and use the base as the wiring
platform. once you've rewired it, plug it back in.

I'd want to do this versus cutting the harness. it makes the fix reversible.


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