[s-cars] Allroad info needed..... Wife wants one

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Sun Nov 13 20:09:08 EST 2005

Good parenting advice Kent.

And with regard to the allroad. I wanted one...until I drove it. Nice motor.
Lousy transmission. And you won't like the motor at 75-100K when you have to
pull it to replace both turbos. Or the suspension when it goes limp. I'll
echo Kent's other advice - get her a C4 S6 avant!


> chris chambers wrote:
>  > Wife (Jenn) currently loves her black 93 S4, but wants a 
> black or  > silver Allroad with a manual tranny, due to the 
> fact that she is  > pregnant with our first kid.
> If she really loves her S4, then get her a 95.5 S6 Avant. :)
> On the other hand, since she loves a manual, why listen to 
> her friends who'd rather have an automatic?  They're not 
> driving the car.  Get the Allroad with the manual.
> As a father of 3, I'll give you both some free parenting
> advice: if the kid(s) are a distraction, pull over to the 
> side of the road, stop the car, then deal with the problem 
> with your undivided attention. This has the side benefit of 
> letting the kids know you are serious.
> --
> Kent
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