[s-cars] Miss & whoosh

Bill Clancy clancybill at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 18 21:07:32 EST 2005

I have a similar problem... although not exactly the same.   At lower RPM, 
say from 2500-3200 I can hear a slight wooshing sound and sometimes I feel 
like there is overboost.    I also get poor gas mileage.

Question:  Would the engine run well most of the time if the pressure hose 
to the ECU was leaking or had come off?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "chris chambers" <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>
To: <mlbess at optonline.net>; "Scar" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Miss & whoosh

> Michael,
> Are your boost hoses stock still, if so it's time to upgrade.
> Sounds like a boost hose is either burst or popped loose.
> I would check and see if the boost hose is still attached at the
> outlet of your turbo. This can cause the woooshing noise to appear to
> come from the passenger's side/glove box area.
> I had this happen to me last summer.
> The car is running rich because air flowing past the MAF isn't making
> it to the engine. The ECU is supplying the fuel but a popped or burst
> boost hoses is stopping the air from getting to the engine.
> Chris
> --- Michael Bess <mlbess at optonline.net> wrote:
>> OK diagnosticians; put you thinking caps on.
>> Patient: '95S6 w/MTM 1+ and RS2 EM
>> Symptoms: Started out as a minor stumble during acceleration under
>> boost.
>> Now I can hear a distinct "whooshing" sound while driving with boost
>> obviously building under peddle to metal conditions, from 2500 rpm
>> onward,
>> which seems to come from the passenger side of the car, near the
>> glove box
>> area.  When whooshing is evident, car stumbles quite badly, black
>> smoke seen
>> in rear view mirror (Over-rich condition?).  If bring revs up with
>> partial
>> throttle only (no boost?), no such problems all the way up to 6000
>> rpm.
>> WTF???
>> Possibilities:
>> Blown off hose from ECU pressure sensor?
>> Bad coil, POS, plug?
>> Split in hose in intake tract?  (BTW how can I easily pressure test
>> things;
>> I remember seeing something a year or so ago?)
>> ???
>> TIA,
>> Mike Bess
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