[s-cars] [ADMIN] Weeeeeeeee're baaaaaaaaaack....

Robert Rossato r0ssat0_987 at att.net
Wed Nov 30 17:53:32 EST 2005

Am I the only one that just got this today, 3 days after it was sent?
Just curious if anyone else is having problems with delayed receipt of


> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces+r0ssat0_987=att.net at audifans.com 
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces+r0ssat0_987=att.net at audifans.com] 
> On Behalf Of Brett Dikeman
> Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 5:21 AM
> To: 200q20V list mailing; 20v at audifans.com; a4 at audifans.com; 
> a8 at audifans.com; ba-group at audifans.com; 
> biturbos4 at audifans.com; es2 at audifans.com; 
> events at audifans.com; mailman at audifans.com; 
> marketplace at audifans.com; offtopic at audifans.com; Audi List; 
> S-CAR at audifans.com s-cars list; staff at audifans.com; 
> testing at audifans.com; torsen at audifans.com; tt at audifans.com; 
> Urq List; v6-12v at audifans.com; v8 at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] [ADMIN] Weeeeeeeee're baaaaaaaaaack....
> ...and you thought we sold the server, embezzled all those donations  
> into an offshore account, and hoofed it to Fiji ;-)
> Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway- we're back up and running, but various little  
> things might be broken for a day or two.  We had a major software- 
> related failure and as a result had to reinstall the host operating  
> system; obviously since you received this email, list data 
> was intact  
> (as were archives and other good stuff.)  Various factors (including  
> a family emergency on my end, work for Dan, holiday stuff for 
> both of  
> us) conspired and slowed down the rebuild effort.  My apologies for  
> ignoring a couple of you who emailed "hey, what's up with Audifans?"  
> emails :-)
> All list-related functionality should be ok (including the web  
> interface).  Known not-working items include the marketplace and  
> registries.  I was astounded to discover the Knowledgebase is  
> functioning (or seems to be, from a cursory examination.)  Please  
> hold off on reporting other broken stuff for a day or two.  
> If you do  
> need to report stuff that is broken- email Dan (dans at audifans.com)  
> and myself (brett at cloud9.net).
> Brett
> PS:On a temporary basis we are now hosted out of a colocation  
> facility that is very much a community setup, and we're probably one  
> of the bigger bandwidth users there, if I had to guess.  We're not  
> quite "stealing packets from babies", but we'd like to be the best  
> "neighbors" we can be.  So, a friendly reminder- please trim your  
> replies (anyone who forwards an entire digest back to the 
> list may be  
> summarily executed) and Choose Wisely (TM) when deciding whether to  
> send a reply to the original poster or the entire list :-)

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