[s-cars] 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion - Comments

Dave Forgie forgied at direct.ca
Sun Oct 2 21:51:29 EDT 2005

Bob, Kent and all:  Just remember, I make no guarantees about how well this
conversion works or how long the coil packs will last. It has worked for me,
so far.  What I like about it is we aren't stuck having to use the
1991-designed OE system.  Having said that, after seeing Ned's 510 hp "Beast"
running on the OE POSs and Coils, its very hard to say that the OE system is
bad.  Its just expensive to replace.

What I hope will happen is other people will improve on my first efforts,
e.g. by running one common 12V+ line "feeder" rather than five individual
wires to Pin No. 1.  That would make the wire harness a lot thinner.  The
other "challenge" is the need for hold downs (or not) and creating some kind
of cover that hides the wiring but still allows good airflow past the coil

There will be a photo version with a wiring diagram posted on Audiworld
(soon) and then a pdf version that Darin will host.

Dave F.

Robert Myers wrote:

> Thanks, Dave, for doing this development work for everyone.  Your efforts
> are much appreciated.
> At 05:59 PM 10/2/2005, Dave Forgie wrote:
> >1.8t Coil Pack Conversion for the Audi AAN Inline turbo 20 valve 5
> >cylinder engine

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