[s-cars] CDERR

Steve Powers sbpowers at gmail.com
Mon Oct 3 12:28:11 EDT 2005

the Phat Box is a digital music player which has voice prompting for
menus. this overcomes the limited display modes of the Audi radios (in
theory). in practice, it takes some getting used to and also some
careful planning as to how you organize your music on the cratridge.
once you install the Phat Box, you no longer have a CD player but
rather can have 20GB of digital music from which to choose.

the Phat Box will not work with other Audi radios. the good news is
that used Concert 1 radios are cheap and easy to connect (to the 95.5s
at least) - run new CD changer cable and reconnect one wire at the
radio head end.

if I had to do it again this morning, it would take me all of 30
minutes to complete. (such is the reality of DIY jobs).

Steve Powers

On 10/3/05, Aaron Taylor <aaront at cox-internet.com> wrote:
> What are the advantages of a concert 1 and "phat box'
> Thanks
> Aaron
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Lee Levitt
> Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 9:44 PM
> To: 'Steve Powers'; 'S-Cars'
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] CDERR
> Steve writes:
> > I just finished the installation of the PhatNoise box in my
> > S6 Avant with the instructions Tom provided. I replaced the
> > radio with a Concert I purchased from eBay.
> >
> > It was pretty easy - I recommend routing the PhatBox cable
> > along the door sills for easier installation. If you do, you
> > only need to remove the door sills and knee panel to get the
> > cable into the radio.
> >
> > cheap, easy and works great. a truly worthwhile Audi upgrade!
> >
> Well, I'll be doing this soon too. The Concert and the connecting cable are
> both on their way, and my wife's changer is shoing CDERR again, only days
> after I cleared a jam. I think this one's getting tired...
> Tom, thanks again for documenting the upgrade!
> Lee
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