[s-cars] Puzzling "Driveability" Issues

calvinlc@earthlink.net calvinlc at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 12 01:31:07 EDT 2005

I have a couple of issues that may or may not be related.  The first issue
is an unstable idle that will work it's way downfrom 800 to 600 rpm or so
and then kick up to over 800 for a split second, head back toward 600 rpm
rapidly, then all of a sudden recover to over 1200 and settle back down to
800 where the whole cycle starts over again.  The time for this cycle is
about 20-30 seconds.  The second problem is that when you are shifting
between gears at part throttle it kind of hesitates for a second as you put
your foot back into the gas.  I thought it could be the bypass valve so I
replaced that.  Oh, BTW, this is on a '91 200, but I figured just about all
of the list's wisdom would be transferrable in this area.  Thanks for any

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