[s-cars] Kids and cars, vol II - which vehicle dynamics course?

Evan Levine evan.levine at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 08:32:49 EDT 2005

_ALMOST_ all events will accept anyone with a valid license. If you're under
18 you require a parent, but does not rule you out. I know there are certain
states which will not allow people under 18 but if I remember correctly
there's only 2 of them.

 On 10/13/05, ELLIEOLSEN at aol.com <ELLIEOLSEN at aol.com> wrote:
> Don't you have to be 18 to attend those drivers events? or is that just
> shawn
> For spinning, car control and sliding, I don't think you could do any
> better
> than a winter driving school, whether it be at Steamboat Springs,
> Colorado,
> Team O'Neill in NH or any other low traction situation. You learn more in
> that environment about car control than on a high speed track if only due
> to
> the fact that you can experiment more with traction loss and
> experimentation
> at low speed with less risk than trying to trailing throttle oversteer and
> not hit a concrete barrier instead of a nice, soft, forgiving snowbank.
> Joe
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