[s-cars] Ball bearing turbo

Emre Washburn yumyjager at gmail.com
Wed Oct 19 19:03:24 EDT 2005


Cody Payne runs a Centerforce dual friction clutch, as do I. He showed
a corrected number of 399whp (IIRC) a few months back, and I've never
heard of him having any issues with the clutch as of yet.

FYI, just today I ordered a replacement Centerforce dual friction kit
as something odd happened to my pressure plate yesterday as I was
driving, and when we took the tranny out, we saw this:


I'm sticking with Centerforce because it's been proven by a bunch of
listers, and I never had any problems with the clutch before
yesterday. Summit Racing is drop shipping it to me from Centerforce (I
ordered the LAST kit they had in stock) for $360 ish, next day air. I
also don't plan to go any higher than Cody has with my car.

The clutch was 4 years old, and possibly had 60k on it. The clutch
disk still had 2/3 meat left on it. Woould you be using

92 //S4
90 Cq
40 valves 'O plenty!

On 10/19/05, Jim Green <jim.green at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/19/05, djdawson2 at aol.com <djdawson2 at aol.com> wrote:
> >
> >   Yes, you really want to get the shrouded comp housing. I would still
> > recommend against the .63 turbine. I have a Centerforce clutch, and it does
> > not hold the power. I would talk to Javad about the stuff he's having made.
> > I ordered one this week, and will be able to report on it within the next
> > month... I hope.
> >  Where are you going to dyno? I'd suggest going to MAC Autosport, as
> > that's where so many of us have run. That way you'll be able to compare
> > data, apples and apples, with the rest of us that have run there. I don't
> > know what your car weighs, or what 1/4 mile times you've been getting... but
> > if you make 320-330 uncorrected with a 10v, that will be hugely amazing. I
> > think mine was about 360atw with no correction factor, if I'm remembering
> > right.
> >  Are you going to use a header?
> >  Take care,
> > Dave
> >
>  Ok, I'll look at getting the larger housing. The car weighs 3250 with
> driver and the best time is 12.2 @113. The motor's already made 293 whp
> uncorrected down at MAC with my old 50 trim T04E/stageIII T3 turbo on race
> gas. My current 034efi high output turbo makes way more power at 30 lbs of
> boost than that turbo ever could dream of. The car has a header I custom
> built for the 10v, and I'll be running one of Javad's headers on the 20v.
> So, having said all that, the dyno session will decide alot. Who knows, I
> could come in high and based off alot of what I'm hearing it may not make
> sense to change setups. I doubt it though :)
> Sorry, one more question on the clutch. Is the centerforce disk you have
> metalic or organic? I know Javad has some good stuff, but I'm trying make
> due with all the parts I have sitting around. Just my Kennedy disk with a
> stock CQ PP has held up to all the abuse so far, so I'm hoping the extra
> clamping force of the Centerforce will hold the extra power.
> Thanks,
> --
> Jim Green
> '89 90tq
> '89 80q
> http://www.mswanson.com/~jgreen/car_home.html
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