[s-cars] Brake light staying on after start up

Aaron Taylor aaront at cox-internet.com
Mon Oct 24 15:26:19 EDT 2005

This brings up a lame question - 
The pentosin is used in the CENTRAL hydraulic system which is the power
steering and bomb.  Bomb is an accumulator which is charged by the PS pump
and supplies boost to hydraulic brake system.
Hydraulic BRAKE system is bled as you would any system.  Farthest wheel
first etc.
Is this correct?
Is dot 3 the correct BRAKE fluid?

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Brian Armstead
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 7:36 AM
To: James Murray (QA/EMC)
Cc: 'audifans'
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Brake light staying on after start up

Thanks Jim.  You are certainly right!  Fred has come to the rescue
several times.  His posts are extremely descriptive--a huge help for C4
newbies like myself.

Fred was kind enough to send this to me already, but I do appreciate you
sending it too!

93 S4

85 5KT
86 5KT
89 200Q all now departed

> "James Murray (QA/EMC)" wrote:
> You can't ask for better than this... Author: Fred Munro, Audi UrS4
> Central Hydraulic Fluid Flush
> /Jamu.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com]
> Sent: Monday, October 24, 2005 7:14 AM
> To: Rich Assarabowski
> Cc: 'audifans'
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Brake light staying on after start up
> Great tips Rich/Fred.
> Can you give a procedure on how to flush the hydraulic fluid?
> THanks,
> Brian
> 93 S4
> Rich Assarabowski wrote:
> >
> > The brake light can also be actuated by a sensor in the master
> cylinder,
> > which often gets sluggish.  To test it, when the brake light is on
> > temporarily disconnect the wires at the bottom of sensor in the
> master
> > cylinder, if the light goes out then the problem is with the master
> cylinder
> > or more likely just the sensor.  Like with the bomb, the light also
> tends to
> > stay on for a few seconds after startup if it's not up to snuff.
> >
> > As Fred points out, it's not a problem to be ignored, flushing the
> hydraulic
> > fluid regularly should be on everyone's maintenance schedule.
> >
> > -- Rich A.
> >
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