[s-cars] Caliper Guide Pin

Bill Mahoney wmahoney at disk.com
Wed Oct 26 10:57:24 EDT 2005

Evan hoped
>Are there any economical solutions to this problem without replacing the
>caliper? I've read that some people have sanded the pin and lubed it back
>up, is this really a safe and long term fix? Can you not just buy a guide

I think Blau sells rebuilts for about a C note ea., net.  New are $150+ -?
The rebuilts have worked fine for me through two chgo winters by spraying
them down with Boeshield at every wheel off opportunity. 
Not what you want to hear no doubt, but you'll have to replace them sooner
or later.
Use your parking brake regularly to keep things moving.  
Check the ebrake cables too as more often than not these bind up, rust and
need replacement.  They are an additional prime culprit in rear caliper

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