[s-cars] New 1.8t Coil Pack Conversion ECU to Coils Connector Possibility?

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Sun Apr 2 14:28:32 EDT 2006

A fellow on the S2 forum (mostly U.K. owners) with an S4 Avant, "Merlin",
 discovered my 1.8t coil pack conversion pdf in the fall:


Merlin made a post to the S2 forum alerting them to this alternative.  Since  
then, several S2 forum members have successfully made the conversion.  
Recently Merlin posted that he had found some four-pin Volvo connectors  
that work, plug and play, for the connection between the ECU and the
 coils.  I posted one of Merlin's photos on AW and asked if anyone familiar  
with Volvos knew these connectors:


I also asked Merlin on the S2 forum for more information.  Merlin  
responded with:

"Pretty sure they were from a petrol (gas) S40 around 1997-1999ish. I  
found a few down at the breakers (wreckers) but I seem to remember
 that they weren't on the diesel version. I can't remember what the plugs  
were for but they were fairly obvious in the engine bay! It is also very  
simple to remove the pins from the plugs. I did this so that I could solder  
my cables directly to the pins and then push them back into the housing!!"

Danny Brook, the fellow who did the wiring diagram for my pdf write-up,  
sent me an email with some photos (tiny ones though) of four-pin Volvo  
O2 sensor connectors. They look tantalizingly correct.  

I wasn't able to get to a Volvo wrecker yesterday (downpour in  
Vancouver) as planned. Any body familiar with Volvos (or O2 sensors)  
think there is light at the end of this particular tunnel?

Dave F.  

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