[s-cars] deteriorating clearcoat

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Fri Apr 7 12:41:30 EDT 2006

Ok, he's a "little" over the edge as well.

But you are just reinforcing the fact this this list places a premium on
performance enhancements.  And, most appearance money goes into
improvements, not restoration.  Clearcoat ? What's that, you say,  
to put on the valve cover ?"

I don't want his car, either, but it's better than ripping the guts  
out of the old ones
with failing clearcoat to build a coupe.  Somebody might want to know  
what the
original looked like sometime soon.  There weren't many to start  
with.  :-)

Why don't you add up what you have in just one of yours for us ?   
And, then
confirm that you are really still sane. :-)  You choose your own  
labor rate but
disclose what it is.

Tom  '95 S6
           '95 S6 avant

On Apr 7, 2006, at 11:55 AM, mlp on D530 wrote:

> I don't know that I can agree Tom.  IIRC Stodard's "justification"  
> for the
> 28k price, it was for just as you say, a "restoration"   For those  
> on the
> list that have been dumping this kind of money into an Ur-S, it's  
> hardly
> been, IMO, for restorative purposes.  Now if Stodard had said, $28k  
> for a
> full on RS2 or better mit big brake kit, V8 Torsen rear end, 6  
> speed, HID
> conversion, big FMIC, coil overs plus bigger front & rear  
> stabilizer bar, a
> Happer Polish up etc., etc. I think $28k is a bit more  
> understandable.  For
> a stock car with, what was it, @ 100k on the odo?  Personally I  
> find it a
> bit out of line.  It's not so much the $28k, as it is it didn't,  
> IMO, go
> into all the right bits.
> But hey, if Stodard finds some one who thinks the way he does, more  
> power to
> him.
> mike
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: s-car-lis On Behalf Of Tom Green
>> I think many of us already have this "restoration" that has
>> cost upwards of 25K, it's only the "worth" issue that is unresolved.
>> I think many of the comments ridiculing the advertisement of
>> the $28.5K car are off-base in rejecting the idea that anyone
>> would put that much in a URS all at once,

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