[s-cars] NAC - Baby Aria was born today!

Vincent Frégeac vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Sun Apr 9 00:10:26 EDT 2006

That's when you learn that our beloved urS, which have no rivals since the
never seen architecture from the Atlantis era, is nothing compared to a few
pounds of flesh.



-----Message d'origine-----
De : s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] De la part de chris chambers
Envoyé : 8 avril 2006 19:37
À : Scar
Objet : [s-cars] NAC - Baby Aria was born today!


After a long, not fun couple of days our Aria Brianne was born.

Born Saturday April 8th at 1:11 pm
Weighing in at 9 Lbs and 1.4 Oz

For those that would like to see pics click below

The password to view the photos is read


Make April 15th just another day http://www.fairtax.org

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