[s-cars] Was: Suspension Now: car lift

Vincent Frégeac vfregeac at sympatico.ca
Sun Apr 9 00:45:17 EDT 2006

That's when I love to live in Quebec.

(I hate to live in quebec as soon as I have to work on the suspension. I
hate it when I have to work on the urS below 20F in winter. I hate it when I
have to use Liquid Wrench PLUS a torch as soon as I have loose a exposed

But, I have a two pilar electric lift, plus a single pilar hydraulic lift,
plus a platform lift, all 30 min from home for 10 bucks an hour.

I know I'm bitching but when I see all these imaculate urS, 3 to 4 years
older than my 180Kmiles bunch of rust, I HAVE to bitch when I can.



-----Message d'origine-----
De : s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] De la part de Ivan Demkovitch
Envoyé : 8 avril 2006 23:48
À : Igor Kessel
Cc : s-car-list at audifans.com
Objet : Re: [s-cars] Was: Suspension Now: car lift

>> Anyway. Garage project is on a finish stretch. In a month or two I will
have shiny BendPak on a shiny epoxy floor.

>I hate you :)
>Which one have you decided to get: the two post type or the scissor type?

Scissor type. The one you suggested the other day.
I did some concrete repairs and it will be another 3 weeks before I can put
epoxy on. As soon as epoxy goes on a floor - I place order for scissor type
bendpak so it comes when floor will be ready for use.
I have 9 ft ceiling in garage, so I had to raise 8x10 section of ceiling.
This will be the place where sedan cabin will go when I lift car giving me
>6ft clearence.
You need to see pictures.
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