[s-cars] Strange security issue

Brian DeWyngaert Jr brian.dewyngaert.jr at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 16:30:17 EDT 2006

    It sounds like a problem that hit the list last year.  The locking
mechanism is out of sync.  I would search the archives for your issue.
 I would do it here, but i can't hit the archives from work.   The
solution was not too dificult if memory serves me correctly.

94 S4

On 4/11/06, Kevin Campbell <kevin.campbell at autodesk.com> wrote:
> Howdy folks,
> Last night when leaving work I hit the button to unlock the door of my
> 93 S.  I heard the air pump actuate and the car alarm went off.  I then
> got in the car and the ignition was disabled.  Now when I hit the door
> lock button it no longer works.
> What is extra strange is that when I use the button to unlock/lock the
> door I get opposite results.  The little alarm puff noise now happens
> when the car is unlocked and the inside lights turn on when I lock it.
> Unlock - lights turn off.  Lock - lights turn on.
> Any helpful tips for trouble shooting?
> Thanks in advance,
> Kevin
> 93 S4
> Just hit 200K mi. without any real issues.
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