[s-cars] 1.8T coil install

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Mon Apr 24 01:59:15 EDT 2006

Dave:  I hope you found my DIY instructions helpful as well as the wiring
 diagram (drawn by Danny Brook to my specs).  You think YOU felt lucky  
when you started the engine and it worked?  How do you think I felt when  
my started right up when I got done?? Bloody estatic.  I had no idea that
 it would work at all.  Turns out some "Dubmeister" chap in England did this
 in 2004 to an AAN in a Golf Mk1 but I had no knowledge of this when I  
started my coil pack  conversion  project.

I am very curious as to whether your car will dyno the same or more
 horsepower with the conversion in place.  I don't think it will make more  
hp than a properly running OEM POS and coil set up.

If you get a chance, send me some install photos.  I am keeping a

I wonder how much royalty Apikol and 034efi will be paying me for this?


Dave F.

Dave Dawson wrote:  

Finally bit the bullet yesterday, and finished my 1.8t coil conversion.
  Certainly not anything new these days, but sure is working well.  I have
 to say I almost felt lucky when the car fired right up.  20 wires to keep
 straight, and they're all yellow.
Either way, it works like a champ...
Thanks to Dave Forgie for the wiring diagram, and to Dennis Graber for  
rounding up all the parts.
If I had it to do over again, I think I might have bought one of those
 pretty wiring harnesses from Apikol.  There are certainly more than a few  
hours needed to make your own... as well as room for error.
Dave FBNCO (full boost, no cut-out)

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