[s-cars] What are your favorite auto detailing products?

Sean Douglas quattro20v at telus.net
Tue Apr 25 21:16:53 EDT 2006


I use the 3M machine glaze with the PC 7424 and I use a damp cloth to cut down 
on the elbow grease and time. Getting the polish off with a dry cloth is a 
PITA especially if it starts to dry.

I use a nice clean absorbent cloth and have a clean full bucket of water handy 
and basically sponge off the polish and rinsing frequently. I find this cuts 
down the time and I can do a large area all at once (say half the hood). There 
is a slight amount of polish residue left over, but no big deal, it gets 
removed during the hand wax part.

One tip, you will need to open the doors, trunk and hood after and remove the 
residual polish that was worked its way into the cracks.


Quoting Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com>:

> Sean-
> What is the advantage of removing the 3M glaze with a damp cloth? I've
> always removed
> it with a dry cloth.
> Are you using the hand glaze or the machine glaze? I've been using the
> machine glaze as I
> was told that the hand glaze does not work well with a buffer due to the
> heat generated by
> the buffer.
> Thanks,
> Taka
> On 4/25/06, Sean Douglas <quattro20v at telus.net> wrote:
> >
> >
> > 4. use Porter Cable oribital polisher with foam pad and 3M glazing
> > compound
> > 5. remove compound with damp cloth, rinsing in clean water often
> >

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