[s-cars] Pressure Tester-Doofus

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Sun Apr 30 10:54:32 EDT 2006

Earlier, Igor Kessel wrote:
> Are you guys saying that with the help of this gizmo you manage to pump 
> the air into the intake and get it to stay in the system? I was never 
> successful in doing so. 

Yes.  There will be small leaks around the throttle plate, but you
should be able to build pressure in the intake system.

> Do I have a massive air leak somewhere?

I'd bet so.  

Take the plastic crossover pipe off and look at it.  I replaced mine with
one of the fabricated aluminum crossover pipes, I don't remember who was
selling them.

I went into this after suspecting that my plastic ended intercooler was
leaking.  As a historical note, I had blown the plastic ends off my 
5kCSTQ intercooler a couple times while experimenting with stronger 
wastegate springs.  So I had a used all aluminum intercooler laying on
the garage floor when I pulled the crossover pipe off.  If it's your
intercooler and not the crossover pipe, as a temporary solution - I had 
success on the 5kCSTQ clamping the ends back on and using a liberal 
application of JB-Weld.

If someone on the list remembers who makes and/or sells the fabricated 
aluminum crossover pipes, please let the rest of us know.

    - Charlie

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