[s-cars] Hose to Rack Leaking

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Tue Aug 1 10:30:01 EDT 2006

Greg dripped, Tom suggested, and Mike opined:

<<<Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2006 00:48:10 -0400
From: "Mike Claire" <mike.claire at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Re; Hose to Rack Leaking

Greg, that was probably me that Tom was referring to (the complainer).
had a lot of problems with the House of Hose rebuild, it was very noisy
it was kind of like driving with a really loose ps belt - jerking and
groaning all the time.  They admitted they don't rebuild this hose
They worked with me to try to fix it (with a restrictor of some kind) -
joy.  They cheerfully refunded my money and I bought a used hose from
5.  Works great.


On 7/31/06, Tom Green <trgreen at comcast.net> wrote:
> Greg,
> This same hose on a V8 is what started all this Spokane HOH repair
> business.  But,
> there have been some recent complaints of jerky and noisy steering
> with a rebuilt
> hose.  I have not used one.  The rack hose is about 1/2 the price of
> the brake j-hose
> so it's not as big a deal.  The rebuilt brake j-hose is a no-brainer,
> and HOH has this
> rebuild down pat.
> I don't have any recent prices, but the j-hose was $460 last year,
> the rack hose about
> $240, and Spokane repairs about $60.  It pays to shop around for the
> new stuff as the
> prices vary widely.  YMMV.
> Tom
> > Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 12:58:24 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: Gregory Wolters <gjwarch at sbcglobal.net>
> > Subject: [s-cars] Hose to Rack Leaking
> >
> >
> > The hose from the pump to the steering rack is leaking
> > and squirting hydraulic fluid around the T-stat area.
> >
> > Is this hose a candidate for spokanehose.com?  How
> > much is a new one?
> >
> > I noticed a different hose (from bomb to pump) talked
> > about in the posts discussing Spokane Hose.  Perhaps I
> > should have both hoses done.
> >
> > Thanks for your input.
> >
> > Greg
> > 94 S4>>>

As a counterpoint, or similar but different data point...

I installed both hoses rebuild from Spokane HoH.  One failed, replaced,
then the other days later.  Both began slow drip from the forward most
juncture of hard line to soft insulation, on the underside.  

I'd do both @ once if you have some mileage (I had about 150k),
considering the friggin price of P11S.  I swore instead of hearing
dripping hit the floor it sounded like GOLD COINS bouncing down there -

ANYwho - I do get 'some' audible PS sound, mostly while negotiating
parking maneuvers, and it seems it comes inside the car than is audible
outside.  Sounds more like a PS system does when you turn it full-lock,
just a bit of a whir.  I do get very very slight 'feel' through the
wheel with them, again, during said parking situations.  I run 255's on
17x8 porkyAvus', which might exacerbate this, my thought.  Both sound
and feel are *very* slight, but they do exist.

For $140 for the 2, shipped, compared to used which *will* fail again
(and the rack line is a BEOCH to get the bolt back into, unless you have
baby hands or no bones - not something me wanty to do x2 - did I say
BEOCH?), and compared to the !@#$%^ expensive OE ones, who the arf cares
I say.  It's not bad, at all.  I did get some 'jerking' when initially
installed, but that worked itself through as the pump bled through
within 2 weeks, or more.  I thought it would never improve, but it did,

But, it does seem Mike's was much much worse.  Maybe it needed much more

I'd still say give the SHoH route a shot, IMO.  

Note to self:  triple check the crush washers (x2!) are *still* on the
bolt when you start to thread them in.  Don't ask.

-Paul happy to save a buck or a few hundred where I can K.

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