[s-cars] Europa Blue //S6 in Westmont

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 4 13:44:30 EDT 2006

 The 'who'...I had heard that the Shokan boys were
bringing there newly refurbished RS6a..S6+??
somethingoranother?? Emery you know rite???!!

 & I remember talk about said S6+ from you.

 & on the "unconfurmed (er, not confurmed...issue) I'm
just waiting to see if my premadonna 9 year old
Daughter is going to give a thumbs up or down on
making an appearance..busy with her....things. Man
she's going to be trouble with a capital T.
 But I will be there..thats a
threat of course ;-Buwhahahahaaaa
 & yes Adam will be there with Elijah's ol CQ..I was
just over his place last weekend helping him figure
out that mess of turbo hoses & piping, & fitting the
S2 rear bumper on. Installed the mondo Porsche MAF he
has & the car runs GREAT..I told him it was standard
protocol for YOU PAUL to FLOG the car a bit...boy
noobs are gullible..LOL
Ron `uhhhh...confurmed????` W
90 80q 2.6l 20vt stroker project
90 v8q 3.6 not stock
93 v8q 4.2 "The Green Monster"

--- pkrasusky at ups.com wrote:

> Um, not sure 'who' that might be, but no.
> Just after //SFest 2005 I received an email from a
> gentleman here in CT
> who claims he has one.  Bought new and imported from
> Italy.  He's down
> near Quinnipiac.  I figured it was one of you all
> F'n with me and only
> took it 1/2 serious, but decided to contact him
> again earlier this
> summer to see if he'd gtg with me.  Have yet to
> rendezvous with him to
> confirm, thought I had him coming 8/26 but he bagged
> unfort.
> I *have* spent the better part of my day confirming
> the other
> 'surprises' I have in store for you who are coming. 
> The good news is so
> far so good.  DAYYYYUM, is all I have to say.
> Brace yerselves.
> -Paul
> ps.  Ron whattayamean, unconfirmed (er, not
> confurmed)???  Not
> acceptable (axceptible?)!!!  8-)
> pps.  one interesting arrival I'll let you in on
> will be Ron's buddy
> Adam in Elijah Allen's former AAN'd CQ... 
> whodathunk it'd end up wayway
> out here?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ron Wainwright [mailto:ron_01056 at yahoo.com] 
> Sent: Friday, August 04, 2006 12:23 PM
> To: S-CAR-List at audifans.com
> Cc: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Europa Blue //S6 in Westmont
> Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 09:18:00 -0400
> From: <pkrasusky at ups.com>
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Europa Blue //S6 in Westmont
> To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>,	<s.sikss at gmail.com>,
> 	<vfregeac at sympatico.ca>
> Message-ID:
<5C1296A3D8CC9C4EB1EB9DDC08D746F6123A6AFC at njrarsvr039a.us.ups.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="iso-8859-1"
> ps.  bummed, I had the local guy lined up to come
> with
> his alleged '96 
> //S6 Plus Avant this year but he's bringing his
> daughter to college.  
> Oh well, I tried 8-(...
>  Buwa...the boys from up North way??? :-(
> Ron `not confurmed yet` W
> 90 80q 2.6l 20vt stroker project
> 90 v8q 3.6 not stock
> 93 v8q 4.2 "The Green Monster"
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