[s-cars] RS6 going to auction

dave flagg dfautohaus at adelphia.net
Sat Aug 5 17:21:37 EDT 2006

Not sure if I understand what the IRS would have to do with the fees that 
manufacturers charge their franchisees, but the IRS visited one of our local 
dealers also. Seems he was depositing the tax money he collected into his 
private account. he was gone for quite some time.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Quattrohead" <quattrohead at quattrohead.com>
To: "s-car-list" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 05, 2006 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [s-cars] RS6 going to auction

> This must be why the IRS knocked on the door of my local stealer and
> kindly offered to do some math for them :-D
> May take a while, lots of boxes of info taken away :'(
> dave flagg wrote:
>> Did any of you know that in order for a frachised Audi dealer to be 
>> licensed
>> to sell the RS 6 in 2003, he had to pay  an amzing amount of money to 
>> Audi
>> for the tools,tech updates, tech schools,etc,etc?. Our local dealer had 
>> to
>> pay over sixty grand for the priveledge; after which Audi alloteed him 
>> two
>> units.Hmm, do the math.
>> DF
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