[s-cars] "stealers"

Robert Rossato r0ssat0_987 at att.net
Tue Aug 8 06:47:25 EDT 2006

> Robert Rossato wrote: <<He did mention that the roof of the car was 
> resprayed but the
> rest of the car had the original paint>>
> I find it interesting that this was acceptable; was it 
> repainted due a 
> scratch from a bike rack or did a tree fall on it and crush the roof 
> requiring a new roof?.With a repainted/repaired roof, I would 
> most likely 
> would have left that car behind

The damage was minor.  No new roof.

> <<Keep in mind the auction house also gets a 6% fee. >>
> Ah.......no, not even close Your broker made around
> 10 % if he told you that.  If your guy is a legitmate dealer, 
> he need's that 
> to cover expenses. My objection is that a fellow who operates 
> of his dining 
> room table has no where near the overhead while doing 
> business under the 
> radar of the state dealer regulations.

Well, it's been six years so I'll admit I may have my numbers wrong.  I
remember an additional 6% charge in the final paperwork, but now that I
think of it that may have been our 6% CT sales tax.  My point is that
there are additional charges beyond the price that was listed as the
"sold at" auction.  One of those charges is the auction house' cut.
Maybe it's a fixed fee instead of a percentage.  And in the price range
that most of us are looking at, which would be $15k-$25k, that fixed fee
probably equates to a few percentage points. While it's nice to dream of
an RS6, no matter how good of a deal the $50k auction price may be it's
not a car the majority of us can afford.

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