[s-cars] Help with rear control arm replacement

Dave Ellis UrS4 at sympatico.ca
Tue Aug 8 19:38:21 EDT 2006

Hey Folks,

I believe I'm in need of new rear control arms and am contemplating 
replacing them myself as my first foray into suspension maintenance.

I've done a lot of brake and engine work, but never anything suspension 

Is replacing the rear control arms do-able with only hand tools, and are 
any special tools required (Bentley manual refers to tool VW267a to 
"press joint out of crossmember")?  Any BTDT or useful hints I should be 
aware of?

The control arms I'm referring to are called "transverse linkages" in 
the Bentley Manual and "Track Control Arms" in ETKA (p/n 443 505 351 P 
and 352 P).

A few months after replacing the stock springs with Eibach Pros the rear 
began squeaking, and now sounds like I'm driving on rusty bed springs it 
squeaks so badly.  Grepping through the S-car archives seems to indicate 
the control arms are the likely culprits.

The patient is a '93 S4 without rear sway bar.

Thanks in advance for your replies and advice!

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