[s-cars] cabin filter retrofit?

Olek Poplavsky polek at gmx.net
Fri Aug 18 14:26:40 EDT 2006

Oh my... it is buried deep on those cars...
On both my cars (one Swedish 5 cylinder one, another american  
supercharged one), pollen filter is accessed either by removing 2  
plastic retainers, or by removing 2 allen bolts.

And BTW, when I replaced pollen filter after 40k miles on it, it was  
not just the color, it was half plugged with lint-like stuff. One  
would need lots of Claritin to dissolve it.
Also, all that dust after being moistened in evaporator would make  
wonderful environment where mold would thrive - and that might call  
for something stronger than Claritin.

BTW - for those who decide to replace their filters - it is nice to  
spray some disinfectant down at the running blower while you are at  
it. Helps to keep mold in evaporator under control, you know.
Ever heard about "dirty socks syndrome"? :D
Wurth makes some nice spray just for this purpose, can of it costs  
somewhere around $20, but it is worth it. Lysol will work ok too  
(cheap and available) if you can stand that horrible "fresh" (NOT)  
scent it leaves behind, and seem to never wear off. Wurth spray have  
nice lemon scent that wears off rather quickly (good in my book).


On Aug 18, 2006, at 12:22 PM, Igor Kessel wrote:

> jpb3 wrote:
>> Hmmmmm........
>> This is something I had forgotten about on the S6!  Is there a clear
>> procedure on how to check for the filter?  I have had the cowl off  
>> before
>> cleaning the drain plug but did not notice an apparent filter  
>> cover.  I
>> would like to add a filter if there is not one there, and even if  
>> there is I
>> am sure it would be as old as the car.
> John,
> remove the cowl,
> remove the wipers,
> remove the plastic piece shaped like a saber,
> remove the 4 little Allen bolts,
> remove the remaining plastic piece with two square dimples for the  
> wiper
> arms,
> remove the 3 tiny screws securing the elongated top cover to the A/ 
> C box,
> vacuum clean the accumulated leaves from the cavity,
> insert the pollen filter,
> reassemble.
> -- 
> Igor Kessel
> two turbo quattros
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