[s-cars] cabin filter retrofit?

Sean Douglas quattro20v at telus.net
Sat Aug 19 00:18:09 EDT 2006

My ETKA is down right now, anyone have the part number?


Sean D.
1997 S6

-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Donna Green
Sent: August 18, 2006 4:13 PM
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] cabin filter retrofit?

I hope all those who do use the cabin filter put a notation that the  
filter is
installed with date as a reminder to change every year/15,000 miles.   
should preclude anyone running one that is a few years old, as that  
be a mold source as well as overload on the blower.

The filter sold by Adirondack <www.germanautoparts.com> is the correct
filter.  There as an incorrect data base at worldpac that shows a carbon
impregnated filter application, but it is a 30mm thick filter and  
will not fit the
20mm slot on the S6, which , sadly, only hold the 20mm pollen filter.

You can still keep the plenum area clean on the S4 and disinfect/ 
clean the
evaporator coils.  Use a mirror to do a good job.   You can also use the
recirculate function if the outside air is not suitable for consumption.


Original message:
> Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 14:26:40 -0400
> From: Olek Poplavsky <polek at gmx.net>
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] cabin filter retrofit?
> To: Igor Kessel <KBATPO at comcast.net>
> Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Message-ID: <CA44E9B9-E48C-45A5-9819-348D33C8CD1B at gmx.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed
> Oh my... it is buried deep on those cars...
> On both my cars (one Swedish 5 cylinder one, another american
> supercharged one), pollen filter is accessed either by removing 2
> plastic retainers, or by removing 2 allen bolts.
> And BTW, when I replaced pollen filter after 40k miles on it, it was
> not just the color, it was half plugged with lint-like stuff. One
> would need lots of Claritin to dissolve it.
> Also, all that dust after being moistened in evaporator would make
> wonderful environment where mold would thrive - and that might call
> for something stronger than Claritin.
> BTW - for those who decide to replace their filters - it is nice to
> spray some disinfectant down at the running blower while you are at
> it. Helps to keep mold in evaporator under control, you know.
> Ever heard about "dirty socks syndrome"? :D
> Wurth makes some nice spray just for this purpose, can of it costs
> somewhere around $20, but it is worth it. Lysol will work ok too
> (cheap and available) if you can stand that horrible "fresh" (NOT)
> scent it leaves behind, and seem to never wear off. Wurth spray have
> nice lemon scent that wears off rather quickly (good in my book).
> regards,
>       Olek
> On Aug 18, 2006, at 12:22 PM, Igor Kessel wrote:
>> jpb3 wrote:
>>> Hmmmmm........
>>> This is something I had forgotten about on the S6!  Is there a clear
>>> procedure on how to check for the filter?  I have had the cowl off
>>> before
>>> cleaning the drain plug but did not notice an apparent filter
>>> cover.  I
>>> would like to add a filter if there is not one there, and even if
>>> there is I
>>> am sure it would be as old as the car.
>> John,
>> remove the cowl,
>> remove the wipers,
>> remove the plastic piece shaped like a saber,
>> remove the 4 little Allen bolts,
>> remove the remaining plastic piece with two square dimples for the
>> wiper
>> arms,
>> remove the 3 tiny screws securing the elongated top cover to the A/
>> C box,
>> vacuum clean the accumulated leaves from the cavity,
>> insert the pollen filter,
>> reassemble.
>> -- 
>> Igor Kessel
>> two turbo quattros
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