[s-cars] //SFest cometh...

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Mon Aug 21 17:07:33 EDT 2006

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack...

Friday is rapidly approaching.  Our first batch of weary, tired, and
thirsty intrepid travelers will arrive to a FINE selection of coldness,
yes.  The attendee list thus far reads like a who's who from the List,
and there are a ton of new names to add faces to the mix.  

I arrived home Saturday to more raffle schwag and somehow, just somehow,
it appears this years' raffle may eclipse the amazing one we assembled
last year.  Heck, the event sure is poised to do the same.  

Yes folks, we *are* looking to _blow_yer_mindz_.  Beware, be afraid, be
very afraid.  

Muwhahahahaa, pardon.

Remember:  think SUN...  plan for RAIN.  That is the only variable up in
the air right now (pun intended), however should it rain it will only
mean a "pair of toys" will drop out from the mix yet we'll continue
<<<regardless>>>.  All the other bases have been firmly nailed down,
things are shaping up quite nicely.  We're //stoked.  Very //stoked.
Definitely bring rain gear (shoes too), as, if properly prepared
partying in the rain can kinda be fun.  We'll take sun though, thanks.
Fingers crossed.

Quick list 'o random pointless thoughts:

- Bring sunblock, change of clothes (2 years ago was unbearably humid /
hot), shower gear (Rossato Engineered Professional Grade Shower on
premise), chairs, and a very open mind.  

- Steve Young will check you in at the gate and Pasqualoni & I will park
ya's, as always.  We've got a much better food spread in store for you
this year, and a bunch of other surprises.

- If I or any of the other //Staffers ask ya's to do something, please
oblige (we of course promise to abuse this to the fullest extent).  

- Drink alot of coffee...  ***no one*** wants to be this year's Weiner

Brace yerselves folkz - this is gonna be //surreal...

-Paul & the //SFest //Staff

ps.  anyone with any sort of auxiliary lighting that we could use, this
would be a nice touch if you're willing to bring it - Serge's bazillion
candle power unit is handheld...

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