[s-cars] '92 S4 for sale at S-Fest

Taka Mizutani t44tqtro at gmail.com
Tue Aug 22 20:39:26 EDT 2006

Heck, if Rich wants to sell his car for $5k, so be it. And if someone wants
to chop up a '97
S6 for a S2 conversion, what are you going to do, sue the guy?

It's his car, it's a free country, he can do whatever he wants (except
raffle it at S-Fest). :-)

Heck, if I had the funds that's exactly what I'd do (get a CQ, convert it to
RS2+ spec, chop
up a S4/S6 to get the parts).


On 8/22/06, Dave Forgie <forgied at ae.ca> wrote:
> <$5K?
> Dude - you're depressing the market with that price. Parts cars that have
> been in an accident go for $3.5K (or less).
> At <$5K, you're donating the car to somebody's CQ to S2 conversion.
> Dave F.

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