[s-cars] SS brake line/fraying

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 23 17:42:21 EDT 2006

don't count on it.  braided steel brake hoses have a finite lifetime,
regardless of vendor.  they don't put up with abuse as well as
fabric-reinforced rubber hoses.  i've also noticed that some people
allow the calipers to dangle from the hoses, which is a very bad idea.

my braided steel lines are assembled from bulk hose and fittings.
i have a roll of -3 hose, and i can replace any line on the car for
a few dollars (<$2/ft, plus $1 for 2 new compression sleeves that earl's
calls "olives").  i'd change the hoses after a few years, just to
be safe.


--- tbickle99 <tbickle99 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Matt,
> The same thing happened to me.  I ran Paragon Performance SS brake
> lines on my S6 for four years.   When I inspected them earlier this
> summer, one of the rear lines was frayed.  I replaced all of lines with
> a set from Stoptech.  Hopefully the new lines will last longer.
> --Eugene
> --- Original Message ---
> rs6 at wi.rr.com urs6 at wi.rr.com 
> Tue Aug 22 23:07:28 EDT 2006
> After reading the recent thread about the stainless steel brake lines, 
> I felt compelled to check the condition of the lines that were 
> installed on my S6 about five years ago.  I was surprised to learn 
> that the right rear line was badly frayed near the coupling to the 
> hard brake line (see attached pictures).  These lines came from 
> Paragon Performance. The other three lines looked fine with the 
> exception of rusty couplings.  I'm not sure what caused the RR line to 
> fray but the exposed SS threads are extremely sharp and would have no 
> problem cutting through the brake hose underneath. Check your SS brake 
> lines periodically!
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