[s-cars] //the //time //has //come...

Joe Pizzimenti joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 16:57:58 EDT 2006

Let me just say...

Driving a stock s-car sucks.

Especially when you're used to the torque of a 2.0L

Hell, what am I saying, that makes no sense.

Bah, see you fawkers there.

On 8/25/06, pkrasusky at ups.com <pkrasusky at ups.com> wrote:
> Folkz-
> D-day is upon us, and it's raining to beat the band here.  Radar shows
> it blowing through in about an hour, so we're hoping to thaw a bit in
> the coming hours.  Likely we'll get pissed on (remember just say no to
> golden showers) randomly throughout the day tomorrow here, but, should
> be dry for the most part.
> Baloney and Maddock have just crossed into PA and are fasssst
> approaching.  Spare //S car owning Posto had his first failure in 5
> years in his red car THIS MORNING, so he's coming in his 'new' black one
> and will be here shortly.  Meyers resolved his misfire earlier in the
> week and is en-route from WbygodV.  Pasqualooney is already there and
> setting up with Domo Oregato Mr. Rossato.  Joe "Evoless" Pizzimenti is
> picking up Baloney's sister's '92 tonight and rendezvousing with //Serge
> 'new' Avant (RIP Maacoavant) Filanovsky.  Tim LeClair is likely already
> on way in what I hear is his 951.  Rob Anthony left this a.m. allll the
> wayway from NC.  Strangeways is leaving Toronto shortly for a pitstop in
> Berkshires to arrive in the a.m.  Manny neither a Manny nor a Sanchez
> Sanchez left from VA a few hours ago.  My guess is Vincent is in route
> from Montreal already, and boy do we have a //surprise for HIM!
> MUWHAhahaha, pardon.
> All the last minute bases are confirmed - covered!  We're cleared for
> take off.  I've said it before I'll say it again:  BRACE
> YERSELVES!!!!!!!
> Sounds like more this year will arrive in a.m. than p.m., which is a
> GOOD THING.  Remember, I'm done parking ya's by 2:00 sharp, and the good
> spots are full by or before then.  Get there EARLY.  First 30 get a
> gimmegoodiebag full of 4 items, next 20, 3 items, next 40 2 items.
> Remember I park ya, do not leave car w/o keys left in it or worse, lock
> it.  The 6' grille and Chefbob Saas serve food 2:00.  Raffle somewhere
> about 4-5 range.  My golly do we have an enormous breadth / depth of
> //SCHWAG this year - unreal.
> I'm outtie in 15...  //SEE YOU THERE!!!!!!
> -Paul gittin psyched K.
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