[s-cars] Engine Noise

Huw Powell audi at humanspeakers.com
Mon Aug 28 21:58:25 EDT 2006

>>Excellent point. But, I have to ask, have you ever heared of rod or journal
>>bearing failures on a 10v I5 that is stock and not very severely abused
>>(like run with no oil or overrevved)? From my experience, even poorly
>>maintained and run hard I5s just laugh at you and beg for more.

My '83 5kt once required a new rod bearing.  Very unusual for the I5, 
though, I agree.

> I ran "Bad Puppy" out of oil (or rather, it spit out the oil on
> its own) on 2 or 3 occasions. It made some noise with no oil,
> but once I fixed the oil cooler hoses and put oil back in, all
> was quiet again.  Yes, you have to work hard to kill them.

Yeah, when we drained the oil out of a 4kq once and put a brick on the 
accelerator it took like 15 minutes or more to get it to slow down and 
die.  We didn't try letting it cool off to see if it was still ok, guess 
we should have...

Huw Powell



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