[s-cars] Group Buy S4/S6 Badges... Anyone?

tbickle99 tbickle99 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 29 12:30:37 EDT 2006

That's a great price.

I'm in for 2 fronts and 2 rears for an S6.


----- Original Message -----
auctionpics at cox.net auctionpics at cox.net 
Mon Aug 28 18:42:07 EDT 2006

Now that everyone who ordered Euro lens have gotten them,or will
how about another small group buy? anyone?

How many people could use new badges,front and rear?

we only need about 10 people to get on board for this to happen.

Prices should be as follows:

S4 badge front or rear $22 US each 
S6 badge front or rear $14 US each

Shipping for either one, two, three, four, ETC. badges is $5 US

If you have interest please drop me an email,

thanks dave

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