[s-cars] More S-fest Pics - Question of Urq at S-fest

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Thu Aug 31 17:08:52 EDT 2006

Dave Pizzo'd:

<<<Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 13:19:20 -0400
From: djdawson2 at aol.com
Subject: Re: [s-cars] More S-fest Pics - Question of Urq at S-fest

Great pictures.  I gotta say that I wasn't surprised to see that the "living portrait" of Pizzo was the picture viewed the most times.  "Hell with the cars, I want to see Pizzo."  I only wish I could read the T-shirt.
Dave >>>

Heh, which one???  He had a multitude of silly shirts on throughout the weekend that were pretty good.  Thank GAWD _no_one_ had to witness the multitude of CHANGING of said shirts <<<SHUDDER>>>

The blue one under the tent with Steve Young said "I Love Hot Moms", which was good for a chuckle.  He had another to wear brought by MLP that I unfortunately left in my car and forgot about.  Can't repeat that one, but it did have to do with a certain piñata.  No comment, as neither the shirt nor the piñata were my antics - but they suuuure were funny.  I *did* stoke the firey donkey (that sounds bad) after Serge spit moonshine across his lighter at it though, guilty 8-).  Burn baby burn, I love a good fire.

There is of course the requisite of Pizzo sitting down flipping the bird.  I think that's a pose of him seen every time I see him.  The one of him shoving his face full 'o cookies is good too.  Damn did I have to lock my flippin car to keep the ratbastard OUT Fri. night...  he had das munchies and kept RAIDING Steve Young's stash of 100's of cookies and brownies I had stored in there.  Wouldn't be any left in the a.m. had I not, thank me now yeah.  And the ones of him in the //Smart beg commentary they do.


Check the pics @ http://makeashorterlink.com/?Z55A41BAD as we keep adding them.  I like this one from Tom http://makeashorterlink.com/?Y26A12BAD, definitely wonder what was being discussed amongst this group of esteemed gentle<COUGH>men (hmmm, funny the suffix makeashorterlink opted to use there huh?)...  a suspicious group no doubt... 


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