[s-cars] 3rd Row Safety

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Sun Dec 24 21:19:47 EST 2006

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We did a bunch of trips with three kids. Two in the outboard 2nd row  
seats, one in the third row. Elimination of skin contact,  
dontchaknow. A futile attempt at "Don't touch me! She touched me!"  
"Don't MAKE me STOP this car..."

I felt comfortable doing this around town, less so on long trips.  
I've only been rear-ended once, and it was in rush hour traffic, but  
my perception while driving on interstates was it would only take one  
brain cramp for some dope to rear end me. I believe statistics belie  
this, but fear is a powerful thing. Nonetheless, stupidity rules, so  
we did it anyway. No problems.

We only ever had one kid seat in the 2nd row, so I can't comment on  
your desire to put three there, but it sounds OK to me.

It turns out putting three kids, and all the stuff for a ski week  
into the S6 Avant and Thule photon torpedo got too cramped. We ended  
up hanging onto the S6, and trading the 2000 S4 in for a VW Eurovan.  
Smart move. The Eurovan has a 3rd row bench seat, and rear-facing 2nd  
row captains chairs, with a fold-down table between. Really minimizes  
skin contact, has a table for the laptop/DVD player,  plus we can  
carry a week's worth of ski vacation stuff inside, no Thule coffin  


- -Ian Duff.

On  24 Dec 2006, at 2:40:25PM, Christopher Gharibo wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> given the number of SUVs surrounding us, how does everyone feel  
> about the
> safety of the 95.5 S6 Avant 3rd row for 2 kids?
> Thanks,
> Chris

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