[s-cars] UrS-car FAQ and Resources looking for contributors

Dave Forgie forgied at ae.ca
Tue Dec 26 08:39:36 EST 2006

Yesterday (Christmas Day),  I had time to start something that I thought

was a good idea:  a consolidated UrS-car FAQ and Resources thread on 
AudiWorld (I know, I know). Its modelled on resources/FAQ thread on
 C4 A6/100 AudiWorld Forum that I had seen (and used) several times
before for small common C4 things.

I have listed a whole bunch of topics and links to information that I
others have posted on Audiworld.  I have already got links to the
 knowledgebase, Charlie Smith's pages, Scott Mockry's site and the S-
cars.org FAQ archives.

However, there is still plenty of room for contributions by people
 knowledgeable than me. 

Have a look at what's there. Please add to it, as you see fit:


Hope you all had a great Christmas.

Dave F. 

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