[s-cars] Turbo Replacements

cody at 5000tq.com cody at 5000tq.com
Thu Dec 28 10:58:51 EST 2006

Quoting Dave Forgie <forgied at ae.ca>:

> Cody: While most of the alternative turbos, including the GT2871,
> physically might fit on and bolt to the stock EM, conventional wisdom
> suggests that this is not a wise practice.  The stock EM does not flow
> as well as the RS2 EM and may lead to hot "spots" e.g. burnt Cylinder
> No. 1 and 5 exhaust valves.  Javad from 034 has posted flow numbers for
> his welded SS EM that are better than the RS2 EM.  I suggest you rethink
> running the stock EM with the GT2871.
> But, as I say on AudiWorld, that's just my high horse elitist opinion
> (IMHHEO(tm)).  (Its an in-joke).
> Dave F.

Well personally I told the owner of the car the same thing (he needed  
a better EM), but he called Javad himself and Javad is exactly who  
advised the cars owner to keep the stock manifold. The whole ordeal  
left me kind of dissapointed with 034. The oil and coolant lines did  
not fit well at all, one of them leaked profusely at 034's crimped  
connection, the coolant return line that fits to the hose nipple in  
the block was the wrong size and leaked, the harware supplied was  
incorrect, and some other little things.

To say a new EM is *REQUIRED* with the GT2871 is incorrect thought.  
Highly recomended would be a better way to put it IMHO.


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