[s-cars] Violent Deceleration Under WOT
chris chambers
fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 4 22:24:40 EST 2006
That was your ECU sensing what it thought was overboost, when it does
that it cuts off the fuel pump and the car decelerates NOW!
I had this same thing happen, it can be caused by a MAF that is either
defective, or has a corroded/dirty connection. Using electrical contact
cleaner I cleaned the MAF's contacts and the MAF cable's contacts.
You can read more here:
--- Tim Larson <timlars at gmail.com> wrote:
> After turning turning into the next lane today and pressing about
> three
> quarters of the way down on the throttle in third gear around 35 mph,
> I
> accelerated briefly til maybe 45 when the car experienced what felt
> like
> engine miss but much worse. Then, just a few seconds later I
> accelerated
> hard from a full stop in 1st and at about 4k rpms the car felt like
> it hit a
> brick wall, snapped my neck forward, really nasty and unpleasantlike.
> It
> actually felt like instantaneous full brakes. There was no squel of
> the
> tires as if they had locked up either. Tried it again after shutting
> the
> car off for a bit and it didn't happen anymore. Just wondering if
> anyone
> else has experienced anything else like this. Seems like something I
> should
> worry about, because I don't want to lay off that wonderful throttle.
> Thanks much,
> Tim
> '92 S4
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