[s-cars] Re: Violent Deceleration Under WOT
chris chambers
fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 6 09:39:44 EST 2006
Or you could buy a can of electrical contact cleaner (cheap) and
spray the MAF contacts and MAF cable liberally, potentially using a
toothbrush to aid in cleaning.
If it does nothing you are out a cheap can of contact cleaner, BUT if
the problem goes away you know it isn't a bad boost hose AND the car
drives correctly.
Know though that if it doesn't fix your problem it doesn't mean you
have a ruptured boost hose, it could be a bad MAF.
It's cheap, easy and fast....why not try it?
I went NUTZ searching for a boost leak on my car for eight months until
I stumbled uupon the previously posted article on SJM's site.
--- Dave Forgie <forgied at direct.ca> wrote:
> That digital boost gauge is about as useful as...well, something on a
> bull.
> If you have to drive the car until Tuesday, drive like a granny and
> stay
> out of the boost and you will be fine. I am sure that when you do
> get a
> chance you will find the problem at the MM hose. Otherwise, you will
> have to pressure test the intake tract from the MAF hose to the
> throttle
> body hose (plugging the idle stabilization valve and then cam cover
> vent
> hose).
> Dave F.
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