[s-cars] 92 S4 Heater Core / Heater Box

Ivan Demkovitch idemkovitch at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 6 12:20:51 EST 2006

Heater core bleeding valve was kind of bad already - so I eliminated it completely.
May be little ghetto. But why should I keep it if I don't use it? I was able to bleed radiator just fine.
I went to autozone and found peace of radiator pipe where ID changes. So I cut it to the size of bleeding hose and attached bigger ID to valve and smaller to Heater core.
For the gasket - I didn't have Part# and dealership sales person said they just use stick foam. I bought it from local hardware store.
So far works good for a year..
Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2006 10:53:02 -0500
From: Dan Smisko <smisko at mindspring.com>
Subject: [s-cars] 92 S4 Heater Core / Heater Box
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Message-ID: <43E770DE.8040305 at mindspring.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

Got a replacement heater core for a 92 S4 from The Parts Connection.
(They seem to have disappeared, anybody know why?)
The core fits, but the hose connections are too small.  The original is
20mm diameter - this is the tube OD, not the little bulge at the end.
The replacement is 18.2mm diameter - about 1/16" smaller.
Does anyone know if there is a sleeve or something I can put on?
Or where to to get the right part that fits?

Second, does anybody know the part number of the gasket between
the heater box and firewall?  I've gotten two parts from the
dealer so far, both wrong.


Dan Smisko

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