[s-cars] H&R sports with Konis on S6 avant

Jason Mawhinney jmawhinney at skybest.com
Mon Feb 6 14:54:50 EST 2006

I just got a good deal on some H&R 29921's and I'm considering Konis or revalved Bilsteins.  I understand that I can't use the spacer for the rear suspension with the Konis.  I can get Konis for just over $100 more than the standard Bilstein sports and factor in revalving, and the Koni's would be less expensive.  I like the fact that they are adjustable too.  In other words, I'm leaning toward the Konis.  My questions are........

Has anyone tried this combo?  
Do the H&Rs make the avant sit level?  
I hear the Konis are a PITA to adjust.  Is this true?
Is it true that you can't use the spacer with the Koni rear struts?
I'd also like some impressions from someone who has experience with this setup.  

'95 S6 avant

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