[s-cars] Front brake research continues...
Evan Levine
evan.levine at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 12:37:16 EST 2006
I have also used the 993tt "Big Reds" quite hard, including on the track at
VIR. I didn't have any "caliper flex" problems. The Big Red is one of the
most reputable kits out there, I would not hesitate to use it over the the
monoblocs for any reason other than I think they are a little bit lighter.
But heck, if you're even considering stop-techs, then you can financially
afford it - why not just go that route? I think they are without question
the best out there.
On 2/8/06, djdawson2 at aol.com <djdawson2 at aol.com> wrote:
> Hmmm... I challenge anyone to blindly get into 2 cars... one equipped with
> "big reds" and the other equipped with monoblocks... drive them, and then
> report on which one is having "caliper flex" problems. I guess this may
> matter on some GT2 Porsche... but on our primarily street use S-cars, I
> doubt it.
> That being said... it seems like the most reasonably priced solution is
> RS2 adapters, late A8 rotors, and a set of big reds. RS2 adapter
> replicas... $100. A pair of new big reds used to be about $560 (don't know
> the current rate). A pair of A8 rotors (323x30), about $200. $860 to have
> big brakes seems pretty reasonable to me.
> I use this setup pretty hard, and it works really well... for me. I guess
> YMMV...
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Phillips <gcmschemist at gmail.com>
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Sent: Wed, 8 Feb 2006 08:54:14 -0800
> Subject: [s-cars] Front brake research continues...
> Matt from StopTech has been in contact with me about my rear SS lines
> - he has been very attentive, and his attention has earned him a place
> in the "good guys of customer service" pantheon. When I do the
> fronts, StopTech will be in contention.
> I was going to do ECS, but then figured out that they use 993TT
> calipers for their system. I understand from my research that these
> calipers are prone to flex, and that's why folks use the Boxster or
> 996 Monobloc calipers for UrS applications.
> I have sent my membership dues off to BIRA, if for no other reason
> than to have every piece of information I need about selecting the
> right parts for the front upgrade.
> One S-lister (Robert) has a Sys3 (996 Carrera calipers) from BIRA that
> only cost about $1500, which is about the ECS price for their
> 993TT-based system. I don't know anything more about it - pedal feel,
> modulation differences, etc. Any other BIRA owners out there? Good,
> bad, ugly stuff about the system?
> Word to the wise (and many already know this): when painting
> calipers, it's best to have the carrier and caliper separate. My
> paint job turned out just fine, but it was a PITA to get into all the
> close spaces. Having separated pieces would have cut the time to do
> the job in half. It was an interesting diversion from the crummy
> Zebra, errr, Super Bowl, but I could have stood a little less solvent
> exposure.
> Anyway, thanks to *everyone* for their help with the rears - I very
> much appreciate the info. TIA for the info on the fronts - and any
> info is good. BTW, I do plan on retaining the stock 16" Avus wheels.
> Eric
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