[s-cars] front brake research continues

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 22:05:13 EST 2006

>From my old engineering days, Aluminum has a finite fatigue life. Period.
you cannot provide enough over design to keep it from failing, which is why
airframes on
aircraft are ultimately totally rebuilt (in effect) throughout their service
life. Steel CAN be
designed for infinite life. The question is (and I no longer have the tools
and time I need to determine this answer) what is the service life of the
aluminum brackets, and our aluminum wheels for that matter?


On 2/8/06, Mark Strangways <strangconst at rogers.com> wrote:
> I would say Taka,
> The Bira brackets are billet aluminum.
> The size of these things would take more that the break had to offer to
> fatigue it.
> Just my opinion, not a metallurgist.
> Mark
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Taka Mizutani" <t44tqtro at gmail.com>
> To: "forrest bradshaw" <sola4est at yahoo.com>
> Cc: "audifans" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 5:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] front brake research continues
> The caliper bracket is merely a piece of metal that adapts the caliper
> mount
> so that it can bolt onto
> the suspension upright. As such, it is usually a piece of steel, although
> some companies make this
> piece out of aluminum. They are all pretty much the same- the only issue
> that I wonder about is whether
> or not aluminum is a suitable material for this application- it can
> fatigue
> and if it does so, it will fail
> catastrophically, without warning.
> That said, can someone here give a knowledgeable answer as to whether or
> not
> aluminum is a suitable
> material for a caliper bracket?
> Other than that issue, a bracket is a bracket- they're just pieces of
> metal,
> as long as they're strong enough
> and they place the caliper correctly, it doesn't really matter who makes
> them.
> Movit is really expensive, but probably one of the only brake upgrades
> that
> is TUV certified. You pay for
> that certification and if you are in a country that requires it, then your
> choices are limited.
> Taka
> On 2/8/06, forrest bradshaw <sola4est at yahoo.com> wrote:
> >
> > I have been in this same boat for awhile wondering wether to get 996nt
> or
> > big reds, seems that sourcing used calipers that 996nt are easier to
> find,
> > but the big reds seem to be easier more direct bolt on kit.  my question
> > here is: has anyone any experience with the Movit big red carriers?  are
> > they same specs as an RS2 carrier?
> >
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