[s-cars] Front brake research continues...

Steve Powers sbpowers at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 12:02:26 EST 2006

Eric -

> > > Thanks for the link.  Those guys will ship to the U.S., and it's not
> > > the shipping, but the damn VAT that'll really kill the savings.  The
> > > driver's side mirror ended up being something like $80 after VAT and
> > > shipping.  :-O
> >
> > why are they charging VAT on exports? that's an in-country tax. seems
> > fishy to me because I've never been charged VAT on things from europe
> > (shipped to the US).
> That's what they quoted me.  AFAIK, VATs anywhere in Europe get
> charged on stuff sold, no matter to whom it gets sold.

nope. it's just for things within their taxation area (europe)

> Maybe they're just padding their charges, or have forgotten that I'm
> overseas.  Are you sure you've never been charged?  Maybe the VAT was
> already wrapped into the price quoted?

you must ask for it. it's good practice even if you're sure they have
already removed it. (same goes for GST in Canada)

I've never been charged VAT on goods shipped from europe. (my company
is Swiss and I get things from the continent all the time)

Steve Powers

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