[s-cars] Re: Front Brake research

Steve Mills s.b.mills at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 17:49:42 EST 2006

  If you look at the original application, RS2's were originally built with
304mm rotors and smaller (commonly known as Porsche 928S4) calipers. Audi
later offered the 323 rotor and 993TT calipers as an upgrade after owners
complained about braking performance, but the same bracket was used with
either caliper.

  So, you could use the  RS2 brackets, 928S4 calipers, 5mm spacers, and
longer bolts with the 314 rotors. I  had the 314's and 928S4's and actually
test fit them on my 95.5, but then got a deal on 993TT calipers and went
with those instead.


On 2/9/06, William Perron <w_perron at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Bringing it back to the front Brake topic-
> Here is anotherquestion--Can you use the RS2 Caliper
> brackets with the euro a8 314mm rotors? Or do I need
> to get an ECS stage 2 bracket or similar?
> -Bill Perron
> '95.5 S6 Wagon
> '90 coupe q
> past - 3 x 4kq
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