[s-cars] Rear brake saga - will the questions *never* end?

Eric Phillips gcmschemist at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 18:23:30 EST 2006

Couple of final questions before I do this job:

1.)  Lifting the car in the rear - lift right on the rear diff?  For
some reason, it looks really delicate to me.  Even with a thick
neoprene pad on the saddle of my jack...

2.)  I'm lifing the front of the car, too.  (I want the whole thing to
be level for when I take the thing out of gear to spin the rear
wheels.)  Is there a place to lif in the center so that I can put
stands under?

Thanks again, and I'll report back on how it all went on Monday. 
Hopefully, I'll get to drive the car to work...


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