[s-cars] unbolting DP from turbo

Tom Mullane tmullane at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 21:41:54 EST 2006


I have a special wrench that works when that nut is really stuck.  It's a
box end 15 mm wrench cut down so that it only has a 1 inch handle -
basically, it's just the round "box" end with a little stub.  I take the box
end and put it on the nut so that the stub points directly toward the
driver's side of the car (nine o'clock if you are at the rear of the car
looking forward).  I take a long straight bar (18 inches is good, but 12
will do) and slide it between the DP and the exhaust manifold so that it
rests on the stub.  Take a hammer and drive it downward to turn the wrench.
Reposition the wrench and repeat until you can remove it with the regular


From: "Rich Palazzoli" <bing93urs4 at gmail.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 7:08 PM
Subject: [s-cars] unbolting DP from turbo

> Okay,having a little(alot) of trouble getting onto the lower inside nut of
> the DP to turbo flange nut with anything other than a socket,But once
> is on I cant get an extension into socket...recess into DP isn't deep
> for a swivel....Do I need a crows foot or what else is used ?????
> --
> Bing
> 93' urS4
> 01' A4 30vQM
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