[s-cars] was 993TT caliper source Now slotted and plated rotor

Bluemaxww1@aol.com Bluemaxww1 at aol.com
Sat Feb 11 11:04:17 EST 2006


I am the one who did the group buy last year. I was able to sell the  
leftovers from the group buy.  I worked with a company associated with  brake 
importer to get the Zimmerman's plated and slotted.  The price  was $250 a pair then. 
 I could look into it and see what I could get them  for now.  Let me know 
off line.  
They looked like this.
But for information purposes, if you are not interested in slotting, the  
last two sets of VAG rotor I looked were plated.  I bought a set of  front rotors 
for the wife's new Beetle and they were plated.'
I looked at a set of B6 S4 rears, doing some measurements for my coupe, and  
these were plated also.
So you may want to check into that.
Greg W.
In a message dated 2/11/2006 6:15:52 AM Pacific Standard Time,  
cello at adelphia.net writes:


That's who I purchased the rotors from last fall.   They are slotted, as well 
as cad
plated.  A nice product.  He had  them plated himself.  If I recall he did 
have a couple of sets left over  due to folks backing out of the gp, but that 
was a few months back.   

---- Eric Phillips <gcmschemist at gmail.com> wrote:  
> Thanks, Dave.  I'll await his reply...
> On  2/10/06, Djdawson2 at aol.com <Djdawson2 at aol.com> wrote:
>  >
> >
> > In a message dated 2/10/2006 9:37:07 PM  Mountain Standard Time,
> > gcmschemist at gmail.com writes:
>  > I'm going to get the RS2 brackets from Europrice, and if anyone has  a
> > line on slotted 323x30 rotors, I'd love to hear about  it.
> >
> >
> >
> > I don't recall who his  source was, but lister bluemaxww1 at aol.com (copied 
> > this email)  arranged a group buy on them a while back.  I believe they 
>  > $225 a pair slotted, and they were Zimmermans.
> >
> >  Dave

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