[s-cars] YeeHaaa!

Djdawson2@aol.com Djdawson2 at aol.com
Mon Feb 13 21:23:03 EST 2006

In a message dated 2/13/2006 7:15:52 PM Mountain Standard Time,  
chadaclark4 at msn.com writes:

I just  went out to confirm this. Disconnected wastegate frequency valve 
yields  exactly 6psi boost, any and all gears. This is with the 3.0 VMAP 
sensor  and related 1+ software, wastegate spring tension is stock.  HTH,


Thanks for the effort Chad... but that's not quite the test we're looking  
for.  We need an "independent" tester to disconnect the line from the WGFV  to 
the WG (19mm socket on the line where the hose attaches to the WG),  and then 
see what max boost is.  We also need to be sure the WG is equipped  with a 
stock spring, not screwed down.
By simply unplugging the WGFV, you've put it in a complete limp mode,  
passing boost to the bottom of the WG... resulting in minimal boost.

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