[s-cars] Wind noise part 2 - Conclusions

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 14 09:32:49 EST 2006


Here is an update on my quest to kill the wind noise in my car.

First I'll start with a list of potential fixes

1. Remove doorpanel and loosen the 4 bolts that hold the windowframe
and adjust windowframe in/out so that it seals. Pay attention to the
aluminum "shim" on the innner lower bolt, it can be adjusted up and
tp help tip the corner of the window frame in and out.

2. adjust the striker in the door jam by loosening the star headed
bolts, and then move the striker in to seal the door better.

3. use a piece of wood on the bottom of the door between the door and
the door frame, press on the upper portion of the door frame to "tweak"
the frame in in an attempt to seal the door. (I'm opposed to this one,
I believe it was necessary with older one piece doors but apply to our

4. Replace the door seals, they have quite possibly shrunk with age.

What I have discovered through many hours of trial & error and

1. With my car adjusting the upper window frame didn't improve it much.

2. Adjusting the sriker made HUUGE improvements, I eliminated the wind
noise BUT soon discovered the doors were no longer flush with the body
of the car PLUS when the Driver's side passenger door was opened, the
leading edge of the trim on that door contacted the driver's door edge
and popped off.

3. I am convinced some wind noise is coming from the front of my

So I am now contemplating replacing all the door seals, plus wondering 
if the sunroof's seal is replacable? Has anyone replaced any of these

Any concept on the cost of these seals? 


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