[s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 28, Issue 45

Eric Phillips gcmschemist at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 12:12:36 EST 2006

On 2/13/06, Steve Powers <sbpowers at gmail.com> wrote:
> Eric -
> > I don't see how that helps with radial clearance.  You'll have to help
> > me understand that one, LOL.  Axial clearance?  Sure.
> I don't recall saying anything about _radial_ clearance, but since you asked...

Ouch!  You wound me.  :)

> The inside wheel diameter actually tapers slightly inwards (from
> outside to inside).

Ahhh, good to know.

> The reason I put the spacers on was to create more clearance (axial)
> to reduce the possibility of having rocks, sand, mud, etc. ruin the
> surface of the calipers. I've seen it happen and others here have
> reported similarly.

I had ASSumed that the radial clearance of ~1.5mm was the major issue.
 But, yeah, I do want to prevent my beautiful (and expensive) calipers
from getting dorked up, so maybe spacers would be in order.  Since I
don't take my wheels off much, retaining the lug bolt arrangement
suits me fine.

Where'd you get 'em?


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